341 vues
Maherisoa Andriamalala
Ingénieur d’études en Informatiques
Paris, France
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Étudiants, Professionnels (Personnes en poste, à la recherche d’un emploi, à la retraite, en reconversion ou dans une autre situation)
Maherisoa Andriamalala
Ingénieur d’études en Informatiques
Paris, France
rendez-vous restants ce mois-ci
4 rendez-vous restants ce mois-ci
Taux de réponse : 52%
Temps de réponse :
< 24h
Taux de réponse
Temps de réponse
< 24h
Contacter Maherisoa Andriamalala
Présentation de Maherisoa
Passionate and visionary in new technology, I try to discover new horizons every time. My vision is that informatics had changed the word and will continue to build a new better world. I started to study mathematics for 3 years and continue in Informatics branch for 5 years till I got Master 2 degree.
Ambitious and skilled, I had been selected to be an Intern in Nice France University to achieve my last year of Master 2. We build together an home automation solution to control IOT (Internet of Things) in a laboratory home called MASLOW.
I got special experiences in monitoring and managing Big Data during these 5 years of study. One of these is when I created for a company an application for inspecting and tracing data for all farmers and peasants in all Madagascar. I got new experiences in accounting by developing a spent management application for a great audit firm in Madagascar. Internet of things is the future of new technology, I centralized my research in Nice Sophia Antipolis France on it.
Nowadays, I am an IT Consultant at Proximity BBDO Indian Ocean and still looking for some companies or organization to share and extend my skills and experiences.
Feel free to contact me if you want to know more about my job
Conseils pour exercer ce métier
Formation de Maherisoa
2016 -
master 2 informatiques l
Université de Nice Sophia-Antipolis -
2009 -
Formation conseillée
Bac +5