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Présentation de Thomas
Hello, I am a biochemist with over 10 years of experience in various fields such as structural biology, pharmacology, biophysics, and molecular biology. My role for the last six years has been to develop and validate new biochemical assays to screen innovative small molecules that could be tomorrow's treatment for metabolic diseases such as Alzheimer's, diabetes, obesity, and more diseases affecting Humans. I am managing projects, training students, writing publications about my work, and also redacting reporting for collaborators and pharmaceutical companies asking for my expertise. I graduated from the Marie Curie High School in Marseille with a major in biology and research technics. After high school, I graduated with two years French technical degree (BTS), then a bachelor's in biotechnologies from the University of Paris Sud - Orsay. I completed my college education with a Master in Science (Major in Virology) from the University of Paris Sorbonne - Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes (EPHE). Since then I worked for several French research Institutions (ENS Lyon, INSERM, and CNRS) before moving to the USA to join the Burris Lab at Saint Louis University, then Washington University in Saint Louis and now the University of Florida. Feel free to contact me if you want to know more about my job Thomas