Elhadji Malick Soumare
Country Head
Route des Almadies, Dakar, Senegal
227 vues


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Présentation d'Elhadji Malick

Hello, I'm Country Head at GroFin, a pioneering private development finance institution specialized in financing and supporting small and growing businesses (SGBs) across Africa and the Middle East by combining medium term loan capital and value-added business support. I used to be Investment Officer at Teranga Capital, a Private Equity firm (impact investing) fully dedicated to Small and Medium Enterprises in Senegal. Prior to Teranga Capital, i was an Investment assistant at Advance Finance and Investment Group Funds, the Atlantic Coast Regional Funds. Prior to joining AFIG, i held Google Student ambassador responsibilities in Sub-Saharan Africa helping to promote the usage of Google’s wide range of products across campuses in Universities and Business Schools. I spent the early part of his SME support experience being a devoted ENACTUS student. Project manager then team supervisor at Enactus SUPDECO Dakar, and coach of various other Business Schools, i was a presenting member of the team that represented Senegal in the 2012 ENACTUS World Cup in Washington DC. I'm founding partner and Investment Officer of Calabasse Investment Club of Africa – the CICA, a club investing in the BRVM stock exchange. I hold a professional Master degree in Financial Market from Supdeco Dakar, an M.A. in Finance from the same school, and a Bachelor in Business Administration from the Institut Commercial de Nancy. I'm a pan African leader who believes in young African entrepreneurial potential and fights for the accessibility of financing for SMEs in Senegal. Feel free to contact me if you want to know more about my job ELHADJI MALICK


Master Degree in FInance
Ecole Supérieur de Commerce de Dakar
Bachelor of Business Administration
ICN Business School



Formation conseillée

Bac > +5
Bac +5

Compétences recommandées

Independance et grande mobilité .