203 vues
Sophie Hubert
Country Executive France
Alter Domus
37 Avenue Pierre 1er de Serbie, 75008 Paris, France
Français Anglais
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Sophie Hubert
Country Executive France
Chez Alter Domus
Français Anglais
37 Avenue Pierre 1er de Serbie, 75008 Paris, France
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1 rendez-vous restants ce mois-ci
Taux de réponse : 50%
Temps de réponse : < 24h
Taux de réponse
Temps de réponse
< 24h
Contacter Sophie Hubert
Présentation de Sophie
This would be a great achievement to be able to help students to go through the mysteries of Alternative Assets and Fund Administration as I feel spoiled by life to have a job and a work environment that I love.
I have spent almost all my career in the Fund Administration and have been specialised in alternative assets for 10 years. My company offer services to asset managers and I lead the French Branch of our group.
My colleagues and clients are enlightening people and you have to be passionnate to work in this area. You learn every day.
Feel free to contact me if you want to know more about my job
Conseils pour exercer ce métier
Formation de Sophie
1998 -
SKEMA Business School -
1997 -
IAE Lille -
1995 -
NEOMA Business School