

234 vues


Naitan Grollemund

Business Strategy Director
KaiOS Technologies, Inc.


Français Anglais

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Collégiens, Lycéens, Étudiants, Professionnels (Personnes en poste, à la recherche d’un emploi, à la retraite, en reconversion ou dans une autre situation), Professeurs, pour préparer mon intervention dans leurs classes de collège ou de lycée (en présentiel ou en visioconférence)

Naitan Grollemund

Business Strategy Director
Chez KaiOS Technologies, Inc.

Français Anglais



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Taux de réponse : 100%

Temps de réponse : < 24h

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Temps de réponse

< 24h

Contacter Naitan Grollemund

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Présentation de Naitan


I'm an "ex-expatriate", who lived in China for almost 15 years.

I'm currently Business Strategy Director, responsible for:
- Defining Company Business Plan
- Preparing and Tracking Forecast
- Setting up and Measuring KPIs
- Responsible for Tools used by the company (ERP, CRM, Project and Product Management Platforms, Reports)
- Implementing company process
- Coordination sales admin, finance with business teams

For 10 years, I was managing IT, Web Application & CRM teams with missions such as:
- Managing the Web & CRM Business unit: its customers, teams, projects, technologies, business development, sales, strategy, budget and revenue
- Developed B2C / B2B CRM business solutions and Wechat Development expertise as well as great Retail and Distribution business knowledge
- Built strong team with low turnover and high expertise in complex solutions
- Supported company growth with successful projects, lead conversion and managing key accounts
- Modernize internal IT tools and systems as IT Manager

Feel free to contact me if you want to know more about my job or experience.
