Marketing and Sales Manager - Focus on ESA Exploration Program chez Thales Alenia Space
Industrie Aéronautique et Spatiale
Cannes, France
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Présentation d'Arnaud

Hi, I'm a Marketing and Sales Manager focus on ESA(European Space Agency) Exploration Program. Occupation requiring significant autonomy and essential communication and negotiation skills. Proficiency in coordination, interpersonal abilities, organizational sense, and customer relations are crucial. The ultimate goal is to align the company's strategy with the needs and expectations of the clients. A substantial contract management dimension is desirable for this type of profession. Graduated in 2004 from Polytec Marseille, I have made an internship at European Space Agency (ESA) on Cryocooler, followed by a Young Graduate Trainees (YGT) on Payloads for the ISS (human spaceflight). I have then joined a consulting team for Thales Alenia Space (TAS) where I worked for 4 years in the Satellite Thermal Service of Telecommunication Business line. I have always been part of the teams and have been able to hold the positions of Thermal Manager on many Telecom projects. Both on constellations (GB2, O3B), as well as on prestigious satellites, like W2A (my first, biggest satellite at this period build by TAS) and CIEL 2 mainly. I also took part in some phases in TURKSAT, THOR6, PALAPA D, NILSAT, W6A, W3B&D. Finally, as part of these missions, I was responsible for LEOP (Launch and in flight operation campaign) as well as thermal after-sales expertise. After these 4 years and in order to discover another industrial structure, I took at Air Liquide Advance Technology (ALAT) the technical responsibility of the tender for cryogenic coolers (to be sale for the MTG satellites). Contrat has been won :) 2 years later, I applied and was selected as thermal system Manager on NEOSAT for TAS. I did this for 5 years, with the last 2 years a more management-oriented profile of the NEOSAT Thermal team (satellite global system and innovative Mechanically Pumped Loop (MPL)). I have then been contacted by Earth Observation and Navigation Business line (DOS) to take the position of Process Management Officer (PMO) on MeteoSat Third Generation (MTG). I have deepened my knowledge in economic, financial management of a project as well as risk management of the planning. I have developed skills on these different topics- and have developed my network with the financial services of ESA and TAS. By taking the position of industrial manager, still on MTG, I have taken another dimensioning by expanding my network with SMEs, but also internally with production, Assembly Integration and Test (AIT) services and Competence Centers (CC). I was able to move on to the position of Project Manager on the IADEA, where customer management makes all it sense. I developed my adaptability to several really specific environments, being able to use my flexibility to work effectively. Finally, my communication skills being an asset, I joined the Sales & Marketing team to win new buissness and support the grow of my company. Feel free to connect for discussions. #ThermalManagement #ClientStrategy #ThalesAleniaSpace #ProjectManagement #BusinessDevelopment #ProcessManagement #GrowthSupport

Présentation d'Industrie Aéronautique et Spatiale

L’aéronautique et l'espace sont à l’aube de plusieurs révolutions. Pour relever ces défis environnementaux et technologiques, L’AÉRO RECRUTE. Notre filière est spécialisée dans l’étude, le développement, la réalisation, la commercialisation et la maintenance de tous programmes et matériels aéronautiques et spatiaux, civils et militaires, ainsi que de systèmes de défense et de sécurité. De l’ingénierie à la production, en passant par la maintenance, plus de 25 000 recrutements sont prévus en 2024 partout en France, tendance qui devrait se confirmer les prochaines années. Talents de tous horizons, du CAP au Bac+8, ouvrez-vous à de nouvelles opportunités dans des métiers de pointe et de passion où l’innovation est partout.


Techniques de l'Air et de l'Espace
Polytech' Marseille



Formation conseillée

Bac +5
Bac > +5

Compétences recommandées

Relation client
strategic thinking